Tech Trails & Tales

Dive into a unique blend of tech insights and global adventures with me, a full stack engineer turned CTO with a passion for coding and exploration.

Capturing Influence, Crafting Excellence.

20 years of experience in tech in more than 10 different industries

Coding Chronicles

Dive into the heart of coding and software development with stories, tutorials, and insights from a seasoned CTO. Explore the magic behind creating innovative solutions and the journey of constant learning in the tech world.

Tech-Powered Travels

Join me on adventures where technology meets travel. Discover how digital tools enhance the exploration of new cultures and places, blending the thrill of discovery with the efficiency of modern tech.

Startup Journey

Get an insider’s view of the startup world through the eyes of a CTO. From brainstorming to breakthrough, experience the highs and lows of building a tech startup, fostering innovation, and leading a team towards success.

Embracing Exploration: The Art of Living Creatively

In the heart of the desert, amidst a gathering that celebrates creativity, self-expression, and community, I found a moment of simple joy that perfectly captures my approach to life. As a full stack engineer, CTO, and avid traveler, my path is paved with the pursuit of innovation, the thrill of exploration, and the constant quest for self-discovery. This journey is not just about the destinations reached or the technologies mastered, but about embracing each experience with openness and curiosity. Whether navigating the complexities of coding, leading a startup through uncharted territories, or immersing myself in the rich tapestry of cultures around the globe, the essence of my adventure lies in the willingness to explore, to create, and to make the most out of every moment. Join me as we delve into the world of technology, travel, and the endless possibilities that arise when we dare to step outside the familiar and embrace the wonders of the unknown

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Recent Posts

  • How to build a MongoDB on GKP Kubernetes

    How to build a MongoDB on GKP Kubernetes

    First of all lets make sure we have a volume on GCP to storage the data. Creating storage on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for use with Google Compute Engine instances can be done through several types of storage options, such as Google Cloud Storage (for object storage), Persistent Disks (for…

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    Leveraging Test Automation for Efficient Development: An Introduction

    Introduction In the fast-paced world of software development, test automation stands out as a cornerstone for enhancing efficiency, improving accuracy, and reducing time-to-market. This blog series kicks off by exploring how test automation can be a game-changer for development teams, the mechanisms behind its operation, the popular tools in use,…

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    How to Deploy a WordPress using Kubernetes

    When deploying WordPress on Kubernetes, you’ll need to create several YAML files to configure the various components needed for a WordPress site. Kubernetes uses these YAML files to define, configure, and manage the deployment of containerized applications. For WordPress, the essential components include a web server (WordPress itself), a database…